Live of artist in Iceland.

Live of artist in Iceland.
Art inner and outer live of artist.

sunnudagur, 11. september 2016

Steinprent/ Lithograpy

Steinprent er sú grafík sem skilar teikningu og málverki nokkuð beint ef þannig má segja, tæknin er ekki ósvipuð offsetprentun og kannski svolítið flókin. Ég sérhæfði mig í steinprenti á akademíuni í Amsterdam það var gaman að vinna expressonist á steinin en tímin í Amsterdam var samt tími breytingaá minni myndlist sem endurspeglast í þessum prentum, expressjónismi fer að víkja fyrir flóknari en mýkri vef einnig er þarna farartæki sem vísar áfram í þá andlegu leit og þrá eftir meiri hamingju og jákvæðni fyrir okkur hér í mannheimum.

Lithograph is the graphics that delivers drawing and painting straight forward, if so to speak, the technology is not unlike offset printing but perhaps a bit complex. I did specialized in printing  lithograph in the Academy in Amsterdam, it was fun to work expressionistic to the stone. but the time in Amsterdam was still time certain changes of my art as reflected in these lithographs, expressionism begins to give way to more complex but softer site facilities. Include more referring continue the spiritual quest and desire for happiness and positivity for us here in the human world.

Bláir fuglar 1983 40x50 cm. Blue Birds 1983 40x50 cm
Skrifa myndatextaNafnlaus. 1983  25x32 cm. Untitled. 1983 25x32 cm.

Nafnlaus. 1984. 25x32 cm. Untitled. 1984 25x32 cm.
Nafnlaus. 1984. 25x32 cm. Untitled. 1984 25x32 cm.
Án titils. 1985. 40x57 cm.  Untitled. 1985. 40x57 cm.

Án titils. 1984. 25x32 cm. Untitled. 1984. 25x32 cm.

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